We are always open to new members!
The Ripley, Ohio Women’s club was started in 1947, as a member of the Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs.
We are a service club, dedicated to community service through volunteer efforts. We are always looking for new members, so please use the Contact form on this web site, or come to a meeting. We meet on the first Monday of each month, September -May.
Interested? Want More Information?
President: Harriet Groh
Vice President: Jeannie Bulow
Secretary: Julie Carpenter
Treasurer: Druann Kendrick
Parlimentarian: Venita Platt
- Avery Adams
- Bridget Bowman
- Jeannie Bulow
- Julie Carpenter
- Kathy Combs
- Karen Dunn
- Jennifer Eagen
- Sadie Eagen
- Beverly Gifford
- Robin Gilbert
- Harriett Groh
- Lisa Haitz
- Shirley Haitz
- Nikki Hedges
- Druann Kendrick
- Maribeth Koewler
- Melody Kokensparger
- Renea McAfee
- Janet McKinney
- Elizabeth Moran
- Jessica Ossenbeck
- Roberta Platt
- Venita Platt
- Shannon Rice
- Kristi Scott
- Kim Stauffer
- Carol Stivers
- Jane Zachman
Our Charter Members
- Dorothy Blackburn
- Marian Brookbank*
- Mary Ann Chapman*
- Christine Franz*
- Geraldine Gifford*
- Nancy Greiner
- Rita Grippa*
- Leona Haas*
- Arvella Heffernan*
- Shirley Klinker
- Doris Martin
- Betty Lou Milligan*
- Harriet Milligan*
- Pat Montgomery*
- Nancy Paeltz
- Ruth Richey*
- Helen Rice*
- Jean Rice*
- Edith Rossman*
- Charlotte Russell*
- Mary Louise Shudlick*
- Jenny Schumann*
- Betty Trapp*
- Olivette Wilson
- Marjorie Work
- Miriam Zachman*
* Indicates Deceased

The Club Collect:
Keep us, oh God, from pettiness;
let us be large in thought,in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense
and meet each other face to face,
wtihout self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgement
and always generous.
Let us take time for all things;
and to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action
our better impulses,
straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is
the little things that create differences,
that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know
the great, common human heart of us all.
And, oh Lord God, let us forget not
to be kind!
Mary Stewart
April, 1904
About the Club Collect
Written in 1904 as a prayer for the day by Mary Stewart, a high school principal in Longmont, Colorado, and a member of women’s clubs of town and country. “I called it a ‘Collect for Club Women’ because I felt that women working together, with wide interests in large ends, which was a new thing under the sun and that, perhaps they had need for a special petition and meditation of their own”